I was standing in a line and felt like the guy bagging my groceries was staring at me. From personal experience whenever I see a guy staring at me it usually indicates some variation of a crush or hint of attraction. I’ve also noticed him checking me out a few times but he doesn’t approach me ever. Does this mean his friends know about my feelings and I'm being made fun of, or I'm being "spied" on? I don't know. Approach and find out. Prolonged eye contact can be a sign of attraction or interest, while a brief glance could simply be a passing observation. If he is a random guy and is staring at you, it depends upon his stare. So he turns and he stares at me for a while, for a good 5-6 seconds. • 9 yr. No one gives their time to someone who looks or does something weird. 1. Looking a lot, mainly passing glances, are my default behavior before I have any sort of approach to talking to a woman -- never touchy though, probably depends on the guy. If you want him to then returning the smile back to him should help to get him to do so. Depends on what his body language says. If you just stare, and continue when caught with no intention of approaching to ask out or smile for long-distance flirting then you're just staring. If you're comfortable to strike up a convo then go for it. Lots of pride these days just my opinion By the way. A lot of guys are closeted or not totally out, especially at your age. If a girl stares at you with a smile on her face, there are two main reasons for her stare. His gaze could be an indication of his interest in you. Usually it's because they aren't sure if they're a match for you, as you probably fulfill their criteria but are not sure of the opposite. She can’t help but look at you, thanks to the strong infatuation. He may be too nervous to approach you or strike up a conversation, so he resorts to silently observing you from a distance. Could be zoned out and thinking what he's going to get his wife for her birthday. But I don’t think he’s into you. r/Dogs has the ultimate goals of fostering a better, science-based understanding of dogs among the general public, promoting responsible dog ownership, helping users build better, healthier relationships with their dogs, and providing a space to connect and discuss with others who have dogs and who are involved in various aspects of the dog hobby. Let him make the move, he probably finds you cute. No offense, just to clarify, I'm not trying to act like a man. It’s very difficult to lie or hide your true intentions when you are looking into someone’s eyes. Heaven knows I did a lot of staring when I was your age, but I was 'totally straight'. 1) she looked at you and may not find you immediately attractive, 2) she doesn't even realize she's looking at you, or 3) she's looking to see if you'll make a move, aka by smiling then talking to her. Watch for other signs that he’s attracted to you to figure out what he’s Sep 18, 2023 路 Staring could also be a sign they want to approach you but feel shy. If a guy is staring at you for a prolonged period of time, it could mean that he’s attracted to you or trying to get your attention. If I move closer to you while pulling you against me, smiling, it means I am ready to be vulnerable too. Just recently, I was told to do the frozen stuff of our department (I work at a grocery), and the manager (25, M) from another department which I come across with every time I'm in the freezer keeps looking at me. What does this all mean? Might not even realise he's doing it. But now all of a sudden he keeps staring at me. Many bi guys use eye contact to see if the other guy is interested. If you come across as too confident they will potentially feel intimidated or out of your league. It depends on the guy and the situation. 3. It could be due to a variety of reasons such as curiosity, attraction, or just a random glance. Some_Stoic_Man. Attraction. It’s a clear sign that he’s captivated by you. You may be doing it without even knowing. If you have interest, next time you see him start up a conversation with him and see what happens. One of the oldest forms of communication, eye contact, can be especially telling when it comes to attraction. you deserve a better treatment. Good luck! 16. These signs could include things such as: Single body language signs will usually have a number of possible meanings. This is happening with a three groups of girls at my college gym. When we stare/observe, our eyes become incredibly wide - this can (obviously) be off-putting to the person who is being looked at/feels you’re looking at them (even if it’s just in their direction). I'm a 20s girl dressed as a guy because of trauma, I'm scared of men. voraciousraptor. It's probably because the person feels uncomfortable or just nervous around you. So there's a coworker who always steals glances at me or I see him staring at me from across the hallway. Okay so I’m in a new school bc I got kicked out of my old one and there’s this guy who won’t stop staring at me. Don’t Assume Anything: Don’t jump to conclusions about her intentions based solely on her staring. Remember, if a guy really likes you he already thinks the world revolves around you, you don't have to act like it does. We have a box for work, hobbies, driving, building things, conversation, friends, etc. I say you should just ask him directly what his problem is. This would be more likely to happen in cases where there might be danger such as if there was just a fight or if he is a guard or police officer. •. Reply. I hold neutral face expression and only hold eye contact Definitely more context needed. We would flirt a little and… 2. What does it mean when a guy stares at a girl all the time but starts getting awkward around her when she is near him? He's a really hot guy but I don't know why he gets shy only around me? And he has no problem talking with other girls. She uses the 'no expression' look to convey that she's not interested in you, without being rude. She and her click sound like bullies and bullies get satisfaction from reactions. One more reason for it is that other girls have shared some unpleasant and compromising gossip about you. That's creepy. Mar 25, 2024 路 Possible Reasons for His Stare. He placed me on his lap and just held me and stared at me again, a little smile but mostly just eyes. If you notice that a guy is staring at you, there’s a good chance he’s interested in making a connection with you. g. Try not to react, it's hard as fuck but I reckon you can do it. One time I saw him lean back and look me in the eye and smile. Guys of reddit so this guy I've seen keeps staring at me a lot and he doesn’t smile he'll look away when I do notice he looks at me and we have never talked held a conversation atleast not one I remember anyways and I am in no way attractive compared to the girls In my school like at all and it's not cause I have low self esteem I know they are I know I am ugly and annoying and he is really Ooh, I detect sarcasm! 馃槉Yes, it’s amazing being a women and constantly worry when you are walking alone even in broad daylight light. Either he finds you attractive but is shy, he hates you, or he is either restarted or acoustic. 11. It's kinda shameful to be one in Russia, so he may feel uncomfortable. In addition to physiological changes, his body language can provide further insight. We’d talk in between but then he’d stop and stare into my eyes again for a while without saying anything. DefinitelyNotMazer. Either they're jealous/like you too or they're just hanging around to see But when that chaser stops and runs in the opposite direction the tables are turned. Some crushes stare to try getting your attention so you’ll notice them. It heavily matters how it makes you feel. Girls are careful to whom they give eye contact to, if she's staring at you then you gotta approach. If it was a kind and loving stare then it showed interest but if it is intense and uncomfortable then he is being a creep. ApartRuin5962 • 7 mo. I suggest saying "good morning" occasionally. r/Crushes is a safe place for people to talk about their crushes and ask for advice. Maybe he just finds it impossible for him to talk to you because he thinks he will embarass himself or cant think of anything to talk to you about and thus avoids any conversation. Check "Community Info" in the top right corner if you're using the app, or use the old version of reddit by typing "old" in place of "www" into the URL and look at the top of the sidebar if you're on desktop. If the Convo was positive than "the stare" is possibly just his way of showing interest. I am a very observant person, who when in public, observes the scenery, people and general surroundings a-lot. I'd say I kinda look like a guy, because I'm thin & wear baggy clothes, regular guy style, men hairstyle. So she's sick of that. She prob is in a relationship or just shy. I looked up at him, instantly made eye contact, and he immediately looked down. It’s easy when she’s staring at you that means she really wants you. Award. If he wants to mug me, look directly at him. When it comes to human interaction, body language can tell you a lot about how someone is feeling. They could find you attractive and want to look at you more. He wants you to feel comfortable with him and to know that he is a trustworthy person. Interested in You. • 1 yr. Just trying to fend off guys/guy stare. Your probably attractive, or at the very least exotic looking. This involuntary physiological response is a result of increased blood flow and heightened emotions. Jan 8, 2022 路 4) He wants you to know he is interested. You have to be attractive/very attractive in some way shape or form honestly. Me too! Hahaha. Also, lots of young guys like to prove their tough guys by winning a staring contest. This happens with three separate friend groups. ect Some sort of obvious sign that you're into whatever is happening right at this moment. You're there to work, mind yourself. Jun 3, 2024 路 If she's giving you a friendly look or watching you do something fun, staring might be a sign that she wants to be friends. 147K subscribers in the notdisneyvacation community. You do realize Pete the security guard is staring at you while you stare at her right? Pete's also gone out with her twice since you started stalking her. If she did stare at you with no expression because she was attracted to you then it would be likely that she would show signs of attraction in her behavior and body language. AccidentallyInterest • 2 yr. I don’t understand since I don’t think I’m wearing anything crazy, or have something odd about me. Lingering glances mean I'm looking at you. It makes people uncomfortable. The guys who you think are "staring" are likely to just have 2 glass eyes. The person had serious mental health issue What does it mean when a guy stares and smiles? There’s a little store next to where I live, I went in there earlier tonight. Or maybe, well, you guys will achieve something together. It does not necessarily mean anything, sometimes people are a bit socially awkward. Firstly, he might simply be attracted to you. I'm sixteen, and last school year, I liked a boy and thought he liked me too but was too shy/ insecure to pursue him. Thinking that she is judging you. If he is eye-banging me, ignore it. Mens brains are like a bunch of boxes. smile, play with hair, brush clothes, toss hair) - my question is this: What could possibly be meant by a 6 second - what i can only decribe as "stare" with absolutely NO FACIAL EXPRESSION whatever? What does it mean when a guy stares at a girl all the time but starts getting awkward around her when she is near him? He's a really hot guy but I don't know why he gets shy only around me? And he has no problem talking with other girls. So what you need to do is you wanna, not care or at least seem like you dont care which will push him into thinking its not working and start chasing you again. Be aware and be cautious. Almost always they just keep staring at me directly in eyes (I don't have special eye color), but they don't change their face expression it mostly stays neutral (they never seem offended), very rarely I can see their lips rising into a small smile, but I think it is my imagination :). It’s also how men tell if you’re interested back. Aug 15, 2023 路 Here are a few things to avoid if a girl stares at you with no expressio n. Adult men don’t play the “I’m gonna be mean to you to show you I like you” Even it does make you anxious when she does these things, try as hard as you can to not give into those feelings, just keep working on your glutes if it happens again. There's definitely a reason, but it definitely doesn't mean anything. Also, after a few drinks, he sits beside me, grabs me around my waist and leans his head on my shoulder. This one is a bit tricky. You could look familiar and is trying to remember who you remind them of by staring at you. Eye contact is a powerful form of non-verbal communication that can convey a range of emotions and intentions. I asked my friend about him and she said he's single but likely just spacing out/not thinking about anything. I said, “I’m not staring at YOU, I’m looking in your direction without my glasses on, I have no idea what you look like after about 15 feet. LGBTQ+ are welcome :) We also have a Discord server. If you dont get an expresion from her, move along. Could be attraction, could be that you look familiar to me, could be that I love or hate something you are wearing or doing. You can look away, or stay and flirt back with a smile. Facial expressions: A guy’s facial expressions can reveal a lot about his emotions. I think it's just an analysis thing. I had a guy at a library come over and cuss me out for “looking at him”… I had no idea what he was talking about. Guys also fear rejection, you only need a couple of bad interactions to really start avoiding putting yourself in a situation like that. It’s because ur attractive for sure lol. She probably looks at you because she's finding you attractive. Sometimes I smile back but his expression is inscrutable. Add a thick Eastern European accent that exclusively speaks formal posh english (except yelling swears at machines). I looked at him and i raised my eyebrows to ask what I'm a girl, but I have more male friends than female, and what I hear from them is that it's almost always fear of rejection. When a girl stares at you but doesn’t talk to you, she wants to learn about your likes, dislikes and more. The difference is how it made you feel. Smile and give him the biggest, whitest, elbow-flailing wave hello that you can manage. Based on that, he may find you attractive, he may find you unattractive, he may like something on or near your person, he may dislike something on or near your person, or he may be in outer space. I decided to look up at the guy I felt was staring at me to see if he was. What does it really mean when a gut stares at you? Okay so this guy I’ve had eyes for, for some time now could barely hold eye contact in the beginning. Scared of rejection. A reasonably large group seems to know too and is somehow close with my crush. warriorsmurf. Now, let’s unpack the possible reasons behind his lingering gaze. nooooo dude don't just assume. I also find him attractive but am scared to approach someone at work. but then there is one box that has nothing in it. what does it mean? We know that when a woman is "sizing us up" she will look for longer than usual, and if she finds us attractive she will give an indication (e. Subtle body language Jul 20, 2022 路 When a guy stares into your eyes without smiling, it can be uncomfortable. My mom thinks he finds me attractive and said that he usually doesn’t smile at all. I don't really stare at guys, to be honest. turn breafly at her and smile look away and then return to your preavious position and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Otherwise it's incidental. If she's glaring at you, she could be mad at you or someone else in her life. If he did do it due to attraction then 6. It feels uncomfortable to be stared at but yeah, I guess I'll wait. A blank stare is one where you're actually making eye contact but with a totally neutral facial expression and no words, implying that you heard what was just said but you have no idea which words or facial Oct 13, 2023 路 4) You trigger his hero instinct. It’s natural to feel self-conscious when someone stares at you, but it’s important to avoid assuming that the girl is judging you. Every time I walk by them either all of them stop talking and stare or go quiet, or one of them stares. Mar 4, 2024 路 The reason why you are being stared at in secret is because she is learning things about you by using her skills of keen observation. Home > Guy's Behavior > Questions > When guys stare with a blank expression does it mean anything? I always notice guys looking at me with a blank expression and look twice or just staring at me, is it out judgement or do they find me attractive? - Guy's Behavior Question. The stare is not really friendly it's kind of just blank, so I don't know how to interpret it as. The other night after spending the day with him we were on my couch and he just kept staring into my eyes without saying a word. 6. However, the title mainly made me think of an unpleasant case we had at work a few years ago, where, among other unsettling and harassing behavior, someone was accused of "staring" at co-workers constantly. If he is just curious, ignore it, or look back at him--depends how im feeling. You see, for guys, it’s all about triggering their inner hero. gremalkinn. An up and down look with a disgusted face means disgust or judgement. Assuming that she is judging you could lead to unnecessary self-doubt or insecurity. He’s rlly cute but idk what to do back, like I just sit there and give him an awkward smile. Not in a creepy He saw me and he did tell me the dance was good. When you catch him staring, smile, or if you want him to talk to you, wink at him. I've tried to test the waters by leaning my head on his shoulder when we are standing next to each other, and he hugs me back and kisses me on the cheek. The OP’s question was if someone staring at you means a woman is interested and I think women do stare at people they find attractive (not attractive people). And it's normal to have a crush without knowing someone. If she's gazing deep into your eyes while smiling and/or initiating touch, she may have a crush on you. Then she probably starts thinking about something else but doesn't advert her gaze. Dating and relations with the opposite sex don't come with instruction manuals, and things can still be awkward sometimes even after high school. Maybe he is gay, or at least curious. It is also very plausible they are spacing out/staring at something behind you. A blank stare? No. It seems like a good idea for him to say something to good_day90. Only beautiful people get stares. once you're a hundred percent sure, just ask. Secondly, he might be curious about you. make sure, again, that it's you she's staring at and no one/nothing else. No one stares, no matter how many uggo corpses you’re made of. There’s a reason we teach children that staring is rude. Try to be approachable and friendly. Jesus, just smile, anon. Means they don't have enough work to do. One is that the young woman likes you and that she is brave enough to show her affection, without looking away. • 7 yr. Reply reply. If a guy stares at you and smiles it would generally be a strong signal of attraction. ago. lol. Maybe if he'll figure out that you're not interested in him, he'll stop staring at you. Check where his hands are while he's staring at you. I only need my glasses for driving, not reading. He may be lost in thought. I think it's rude. But other times when we walk past each other he looks away. Tbh, they almost make a big deal out of nothing thinking it's the end of the world and the girl is The gaze is attractive if they are attractive, and flattering if they either look away once 'caught' or approach/smile. His eyes are tracking you on autopilot, but dudes lost in thought about something else. Guys stare at me without expressions all the time, even when I catch them, and a lot of the times they don't look away. Note on the funny side; the male friends almost always complain about not understanding what a girl thinks, and then starts rambling about what they believe she thinks. That does not mean he (dis)likes you. Staring can even be a nervous habit for crushes who feel giddy around their love interest. For WikiHow images that seem like their names would be found on disneyvacation, but are in fact… Jun 4, 2024 路 Staring is a guy’s method of checking out the package, and determining if they want to make a move. He turned away and talked to someone. You could have a spider/insect on you and they are keeping an eye on it just incase it wants to wonder. Like he’s staring directly into my eyes, at first I thought he was day dreaming until he kept doing it like every 30 seconds. And if he did he looked away immediately. Mar 3, 2024 路 Another reason a guy may stare at you with no expression is that he is feeling shy or nervous. According_Praline_16 • 2 yr. Now, i am looking at the bride and groom who are right in front of me but i can still see him on the side, meaning, he is within my view. Men are also buffons, and all that innuendo you think you're leaving for us usually goes over our heads; make it simple for our caveman brains. . Of course, less positive reasons like spacing out or disapproval are possible too. barnda67. We sit in that box and we literally think of “nothing”. My look & appearance is average. I'm lowkey scared 馃槶. His expression may show dominance, and his body language and stance may boost his confidence. . If he does it multiple times but doesn’t talk to you then it would be a sign that he is too nervous to approach you. When a guy stares at you, it could mean a variety of things depending on the context and duration of the gaze. and if you're gonna, please don't let it be the worst option available. No one stares, but the nickname is accurate with his looks. If you find a moment, I would ask if you’ve done something to him because you’ve noticed that he seems annoyed when you interact with him. That’s natural and a common reason for a man to stare at someone. Maybe it triggers some kind of “prey instinct” and we (humans in general) subconsciously feel like the starer is going to attack and eat us (!). He wants you to trust him. But I've often looked at other women to see what they're wearing and how they put outfits together and I'm sure if they saw me doing that it might come off as creepy or staring, or even judgmental. Some people would say it means the person likes you/is attracted to you. There's this guy in one of my classes who I always catch him staring at me, we have never really talked apart from exchanging a word or two in class, and this has been going on for about three months. The cashier that was helping me kept on staring and smiling, he also seemed kinda nervous a little bit when he made a joke. Cross your eyes or poke out your tongue, if he doesn't react at all, his mind is elsewhere. Most of these things will be extremely subtle. When she's friendly with a guy he assumes that she is interested in him. She could be admiring your outfit, observing your behavior, or simply lost in thought. His lack of expression could be a result of his anxiety or fear of rejection. Stare back with your mouth open and start drooling. 2. Consider the possibility that he is just nervous of screwing up by talking. In some cases, a guy might stare at you without showing expression, as a way to intimidate you and to prevent you from going any nearer towards him. So, maybe that. He might be a soldier from the future sent back through time to save you and your unborn son. What does a mean when a guy watches or stares at you? I (24, F) have been working for 2 months now in a new company. Stare back for a few seconds, then just carry on with whatever I was doing. If he’s frowning or scowling, it could mean He might not speak the language. He doesn’t have to stare at you the whole time, but if he does it more than once, then you can be sure that he’s very interested. I always stared at him but he never did. Dude, you come in wearing street clothes and then sit and stare. I'll stare deep into your eyes as if I'm dusting off the door in the back hallway of your soul and my eyes are the key to the lock. And we go to those boxes and sit in and focus on that while we are there. Avoid Staring Back Intensely: While it’s okay to make eye contact A whopping 37% of males have lost one or both eyes during their lifetime. He's blind. In my experience when a guy stares it means he's attractive. If he’s smiling, it could mean that he’s happy or trying to be friendly. It will be less awkward overtime if you know her name. If your crush stares at you when you’re not looking, there is a really good chance you are triggering something very primitive and instinctive within him. Dont expect all of them to pay attention to you. 5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. 10. This is why it would be helpful to see multiple body If a girl looks at you and doesnt smile it usually means 1 of 3 things. When a guy looks deeply into your eyes, he is also trying to earn your trust. I can give you an example of one time that I was reasonably sure that a guy was staring at me. It was like if he was ignoring me maybe. This will give the control to you, recommended for strong artificial attachment 2. He’s warning you. That's worked on me before; that will give him the green light that it's okay to talk to you. Many things. Either way, think about his behavior and what you want to do next time he stares into your eyes without smiling. More consciously, it makes us feel judged. He's only waiting for the machine to make the first move. He just might be gay. What does it mean when a guy stares at you and doesn't budge when you look back, like he continues staring intensely or doesn't feel shy about…. That’s a challenge behavior. He might be in a relationship and just taking in the view. Probably that last one, to be honest. I think a vacant stare tends to imply you're thinking about something really deeply or daydreaming. For example, if you catch him staring and turn away from him, it’s a sign that you’re not interested back. I'd like to know some input you guys, thanks! 馃ス. Grammaton485. They're optometrists and are testing a new keep-your-eyes-open-for-hours-without-blinking-but-still-keep-them-hydrated drug. Sep 13, 2023 路 When a guy stares at you, his eyes may widen, and his pupils might dilate. They're checking you out, seeing if you are sending any signals back/looking at them. Nope don't do that. If a man is staring at you he is likely sending a message that he is interested in you. There’s this guy at work I’ve noticed and he always holds eye contact with me. It could be your face, Hair, body, if you are active at the gym, it could be that you are ‘fit’ looking. bx sz vh ov yf ay cf mu td sd