Vaping hurts my lungs reddit

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Loooots of coughing and wheezing afterwards so I had to take a bronchs dilating medicine since my breathing was quite heavy. Now, after getting hospitalized for lung sickness, he doesn't vape. Reddit's largest community focusing on cannabis flower vaporizers. Reply reply. I'd be out breath. They come and go. Grab some good rosin and do cold starts with really small dabs of it. My spontaneous arm buzzing and heart racing lasted for 2 weeks and stopped on the Besides that, vaping does take some acclimation after coming from smoking. Stop thinking about carts put it in the past and I know you’ll feel better. Chest pains, couldn't run to save my life. I started with smoking flower through a pipe, then went on to using oil pens (purchased from legal dispensaries). #19. Your body responds with an autoimmune response and inflammation, which doesn’t help matters. FWIW, I recently changed my DIY mix from 70pg/30vg to 50/50 just to see how I liked it. The start of second week off my lungs started feeling tight and hurting when I take a full deep breath. Smoking a vape can dry your mouth out. Now that I think of it, one of the products of combustion is water. I had a lung xray after several years vaping and my lungs are clear. wow that's heavy. your lungs ARE healing. Edit: dry herb vaping is better comparatively but it does have some negative health effects. Smoking tobacco for 20 years is undeniably enough to seriously and demonstrably damage the health of a smoker. It is in fact a lot healthier as you're ingesting way less toxic carcogenic ingredients in your lungs + there is no combustion and tar getting in your lungs. Mouth to lung, using the eGo One. The sore throat is just from vaping. Long term nicotine dependency fucks with your cardiovascular and digestive system. This can result in shortness of breath, chest pains, difficulty breathing, or even death. There’s various supplements, specifically NAC, that should help with free radicals, and then there’s some holistic science about eucalyptus and lung health. Vaping is bad mentally and physically and your only 18. If you keep vaping them you risk more serious injury as well as the discomfort. Nicotine is not a stress reliever trust me. Don't hit it with the mouth piece aimed at your teeth, aim past them so that they aren't getting the heat constantly on them. A low temp dab is absolutely the least harsh way to medicate for me. If you've only taken up vaping recently, it's a leading contender for why your lungs hurt. This happens to me sometimes but it's from pulling a muscle from coughing. I'm playing junior A football. Vaping to quit dipping is totally reasonable, so if that's the case, op should disregard any admonition wrt vaping. After a few weeks of vaping 50/50 I had an irritated feeling in my lungs, kind of like when you hang out around a campfire or burn leaves and inhale too much smoke. I also have allergies now so I'm on the verge of losing my voice from the post nasal drip. I have felt sharp pain in both sides of my lungs. Had the same thing (but didn’t know beforehand) and at 29 had a 100% pneumothorax. Basically, my lungs got inflamed from vaping so much. As mentioned in other post, I had persisting pain in upper left lung for awhile actually. For mods, 9-12mg is good. The disposable pod system is absolutely wasteful, toxic to the environment, and poorly cobbled together on average. It causes your blood vessels to restrict, increasing blood pressure, making your bowel movements dependent on it, and causing horrible withdrawals. I presume that due to it being a vapor and not smoke, your body doesnt try to coat your throat from it as much. 9. I've read others who also had on and off chest pain but that's around 4 months after they quit vaping. 16% of patients are under 18 years old. Your lungs can’t tolerate smoke cause of your history of asthma. The past couple of weeks. Nothing seems to stop the tightness or When you inhale, Dont shoot it straight to your lungs, try putting the smoke in your mouth first, then inhale after you had enough smoke. As I was vaping for the first couple months, it felt like I had to manually breathe every now and then, taking deep breaths and whatnot. My lungs start to hurt when I take a deep breath. I wish I could just take one big hit and then we're done, but these extended sessions are a different beast, and I haven't found a good flow yet. I have been vaping for the last month since I got my medical marijuana card and it has done wonders for my back pain and insomnia. Discussion. By contrast I've never seen vape marketing which implied that vaping was generally good for "any and all" lungs, or that people who'd never smoked should vape for specific pulmonary Anyways I've never been a heavy user (2-3-4 joints/day) but with Dynavap my consumption reduced a lot: to 4-5 bowls/day. However, I do recommend to stop smoking that cart until your lungs feel normal again. It lasted 3 days!!!! I smoked cigs for over 20 years and it’s like vaping fixed my For what it’s worth, I find concentrates hurt my lungs and throat less than vaping flower. true. Approximately 70% of patients are male. Smoking will do a lot more damage to your lungs that vaping in the same time frame and be a lot longer lasting. I find it can actually help my lungs. Hello, I’ve been vaping on and off for about 7 years and recently have been attempting to stop. It takes months and years to heal that lung and heart damage, but if you can stay off the stick it’s a whole new world beyond the healing. You could b heating it too much. Also vaping flowers in low temps is one of my favorite things! Don’t give yourself a reason to keep vaping because there is no reason. After I take a couple painful deep breathes it feels better. This past instance, those issues continued. I'm left weazing and short on breath for a while. If you're using mods, 3-6 mg. How long depends on your age and lung condition among others. My lungs have cleared up completely now. It is more likely when the product contains PG or artificial flavorings. The result? My lungs hurt and I need a break. The doctor said that even though vaping didn't directly cause it, it could have helped aggravate it and that is why he noticed the pain after vaping. It helps with the throat hits and then later you My last cig was in October, and my lungs don't hurt at all anymore. I use . I'm a lightweight , so I get high easily but along with that, I hav 41K subscribers in the Crainn community. A doctor I saw said that nicotine can cause blood vessels to constrict and cause some chest discomfort. These spots grew more and more irritated over time. I'm 37. Please, do yourself a favor and pop to one of the local clinics/hospitals and speak with a qualified medical professional. I also agree that the anxiety of quitting might have a factor on how you feel. Last time i had a smoke (over a year ago) it felt like a lighter hit than my ecig 45 watts, 3mg). Now I just have to clear my throat sometimes. Sometimes you get what we call vapers tongue. I assumed it was a symptom of Lyme as one of my many symptoms over the years was heart palpitation and occasional sharp chest pains. I've never felt better. Heavy chest feeling, constant phlegm, pins and needles pain randomly in my back and chest, headaches, and stomach aches. Yeah we get it, cigs are worse for you. 4. I get bronchitis and last time I had to get a breathing treatment because my lungs closed up on me. Take care of your lungs, you only get one set. Does anyone have this? I've tried to research this but I could not find anything. In vape Months later I picked back up vaping (Nicotine, not THC, I'd been vaping NIC for years but had taken a break for about a year) and after a few weeks of vaping I noticed discomfort and stiffness in my chest and back and sometimes even slight pain, then I started coughing up phlegm at which point I stopped vaping and went to my GP, I explained I had made a post earlier stating that my Box mod jumped ohms from . Quitting now will be a lot easier and more beneficial in the long run. Sometimes they were a sore achey feeling, sometimes sharp pain. After smoking for 40 years, I breath better and my lungs are clear. Also I would suggest a coffee type flavor til you get used to vaping the nicotine. that's quite informative, thanks. That doesn't mean vaping is good for the lungs but it certainly implies that it's good for already-damaged lungs, moreso than simply stopping the damaging behavior. 10 minutes of this botherd my lungs. 5 to 1. They can even linger inside of your body forever. Nicotine could irratate throat but not your lungs. The other day I was laying down I felt the pain again so I decided to throw away all my vaping supplies juice, pods and the actual device. Now I'm using dry herb vape (fury edge) 80% of the time and oil pens 20%. Everytime I took a full breath, my lungs would expand and rub against my ribs. • 4 mo. On the flip side my e nano log I get 3 hits from the same amount of material (. I also used to hack up phlegm every morning. Avoid at all costs! Basically heart burn with out the burn. Definitely throw it away if your lungs hurt to the point of pain! Given the fact that you've experienced this as a result of smoking that pen, it is a very good chance that this pen is bad, or contains something toxic. I have been googling around trying to find a connection between vaping and GI distress. When I smoke flower I don't get this effect. Got to be the PG. if the doctor has given you a once over and confirmed everything is in never had shortness of breath issues, but I had pretty consistent chest and lung pains when vaping. '. Lungs hurt, can’t stop, never been going through so much at once I’m a 24f who has been smoking since she was 12. Hmm. I literally had to inhale for a minimum of 10 seconds to get a whispy hit. 1. The damage smoking causes relates to tar, nicotine, and more than 7,000 chemicals. so the pain never really completely went away for you. Yes it was a huge improvement i smoked for about 4 years and switched to vaping 2 years ago and my lungs feel completly healthy, x-rays and cad-scans look like i never smoked. Lung pain after stopping. I've been a smoker for 5 years. Weed and hookah to start, then vapes came in the same year. This is usually more so with my conduction vape. The second is also from the heat but affects your gums. You will be fine; I have been vaping for 12 years and have not developed any issues. Vapor is more dense than smoke, so it can feel heavy or thick in your lungs, which causes a lot of people to cough when they exhale it. ADMIN MOD. a vaping device wouldn’t fix your issues, at least from my experience, the periods where i vape weed are when my lungs are the weakest/hurt the most. Alarmingly breathless. Coming from spliffs and joints, vaping makes me cough so much more. I assumed it was from smoking pot, so I quit. Each time, the vape was hard on my lungs and pain persisted for days. I did get my flu shot because I was pregnant at the time but I got sick from my 5 year old. you may have a sensitivity, or even an allergy, to PG. These attachments only just arrived. Specifically stomach pain and increased heartburn. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing. Only been vaping flower for about a month now and can't help but notice it hurts to vape. Vaping can be easier on the lungs compared to smoking. When I hit a dispo too many times quickly. Breathless sensation might’ve fucked my lungs. Also, cheap nicotine gives me heartburn/acid reflex of the lungs. 3K subscribers in the VapingUK community. A morning cough wreching up grey gunk. totally different, but I get what you mean. 6 and gave me a terrible dry hit. Lungs really starting to hurt badly after 10+ years of vaping. If there’s no nicotine but you inhaled then at that point you would have the vapor lining your lungs and throat, and it would be something different than air, thus it would hurt your lungs. Afterwards though the coil did not give… Step 1: Get your head right. Sep 18, 2023 · However, a 2020 review suggests vaping may cause similar lung damage to smoking by a different mechanism. . Vaping is different. just to make it more clear: my trachea hurts right (~2sec) after i inhale, i didn't mean that it were hurting after a regular use, and/or that the pain was appearing after a while, not Things suddenly got really bad about 3 weeks ago which made me aware of my lung damage. I just couldn't take more. For example, when i have a cigarette, i salivate a lot more. Again, stop vaping so your lungs can heal and you don't pick up a nicotine addiction. Why does vaping hurt my lungs more than normal smoking? I recently picked up one of those little wooden magic flights because I wanted to stop smoking and start vaping. Exercise might help. The coughs I get from HHC are very pleasant and satisfying. Vaping makes me cough so much. Sort by: lung_cance4. Well I smoked BONGS and i never noticed a decline in health so vape should be ok. When i vape, my mouth actually dries out pretty bad. Dry gums get irritated and sore and they're probably very inflamed. • 10 mo. By Robert H. Vaping nicotine free juice when it has nothing to do with quitting is dumb, imo, and is exactly the kind of stupid behavior that is throwing fuel on the antivaping fire. Hopefully it would completely go away, but otherwise I think its probably antigens left from vaping or bronchoconstriction. As for the pain under your ribs I'm not certain about this. Personal bit, I hung out with the cool kids and when one of the kids got some death sticks (cigs) we all got some from him. Basically oil particles have been inhaled, coating the delicate tissues in the lungs. HyperPopped-a-lyrica. Check in with a doctor and/or try a juice you know has little to no PG. there are plenty nic free vapes, plus i would recommend you a refillable pod system. Ive been personally vaping for 3 years and i dont see any side effects, i bet thats also what every long term vaper will tell you. Was on 5 50g pouches of rolling tobacco every two weeks. 2. Vaping nicotine will do the same thing. Good luck and I hope they figure it out soon after your tests at the doc. Dabbing and oil pens are the worst pain for me. Users often report fewer respiratory symptoms and a cleaner high with vaping. My lungs feel a lot better now but the pain does come and go a few times a day. If you were no smoker before PLZ dont vape with nicotine. And yes your lungs will go back to normal pretty quick compared to smoking. • 6 yr. The rising popularity of vaping has been dramatic, especially among teenagers. A quick check up and consultation will likely cost less than a 5,000 puff disposable vape. For about a year or so, I had chronic pain in my right lung and side. Kinda makes sense why it isn’t as drying as vaping. I was vaping for about two years, and for the past few months it's been at about a pod and a half to two pods a day. I'm with everyone else. When I vape hash or kief it's way worse. Pulling too hard on a device that has a tight draw will essentially start exercising your lungs and make them fatigued. It gets me almost as high as normal but right after the sesh and even a couple hours after the sesh my lungs kill me. Vapor is very dry. Vaping will help reverse this by obviously not inhaling the toxins. The cannabis can work as an expectorant. I started smoking when I was 16. HOWEVER vaping is also not good and raises inflamation and mild irritation in the lungs. 35F, white 5’5”, 115lbs Meds: Wellbutrin 150 mg, Adderall 20mg, marijuana Drinker, not a smoker until this week I don’t even smoke tobacco, but I… In March 2021, I suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Until I do it again by accident. Steam/water vapor can help to clear out mucus. Oct 20, 2018. Inhaling it also fucks with your lungs. 15) the vapor is way thicker and u get it instantly rather than endless inhaling of hot air. I think vaping may have caused my stomach problems. I also didn't feel great for the first six months. So I've been smoking weed 10+ years, I've vaped off and on about 5 years. The specific chemical exposure (s) causing lung injuries associated with e-cigarette use, or vaping, remains unknown at this time. Many people report better health and energy levels. I haven't felt like that in weeks, and my vaping habits haven't changed. Switch to edibles. RGBCyberKnight. June 15, 2023. I have the vaporizer on the lowest heat setting but I still find myself coughing all the time (even when I’m not vaping). Vaping gives me a tightness in the lungs and soar throat almost asthma. Since stopping I've had some pain in my upper left chest. shanedp1981. I think the vaping "movement" has built up a whole bunch of mistaken beliefs aimed at downplaying the harm of their chosen bad habit. It seems like the vaping (legal oil) hurts my throat and lungs more than anything. 70/30 ratio is much better. In collaboration with our friends at r/Vaping, we have created a UK based forum, inclusive to all vapers… The only option is to avoid those flavours. Thx in advance. I’ve been a heavy smoker since the age of 13, I’m now 25 and and feeling desperate. I'm using the Mighty with the starry wpa and sneaky pete smoked globe. 75 days sober now, can’t remember the last time I felt any discomfort or pain in my chest/lungs. Any attempt to describe vaping as categorically dangerous in comparison to smoking cigarettes is either complete ignorance, or deliberate misinformation. But I can take full dabs of rosin and my lungs will feel great. Jun 15, 2023 · What we do (and don't) know. From what I understand, this is your body's way of clearing out all the excess buildup that is sitting in your lungs from vaping/smoking. Days after, I feel breathless. I quite smoking & switched to vaping four years ago. So I smoked joints for about three years before switching to a dry herb vape to save my voice as I was doing a lot of singing at the time, and I heard the vape can save your lungs and throat against a lot of the damage smoking comes with. Yeah, i’m coming up on 2 years of vaping and definitely get a tight chest at times. I’ll cough so much I get the sweats, and it hurts my lungs, chest and ribs. Weed isn’t exactly easy on your lungs. No suggestions or pointers towards the possibility of vaping being the cause. It wasn't really an issue before I stopped, but now it's a consistent dull ache with slight shortness of breath. Every time I vape I end up hacking up a lung for a half hour straight and it gives me a horrible headache. 21% of patients are 18 to 20 years old. PG in vape juice, or propylene glycol, is just a base and is basically totally harmless. Hopefully this feeling fades away over time for you, good luck and keep pushing through! 8. Reply. Mary Vaping is known to dehydrate you and if you already have kidney issues adding vaping could contribute. Im no scientist but i dabble. I think it's from dehydration, I had the same problem until I started drinking Regular exercise improves lung elasticity. Doctors couldn’t say it was 100% due to vaping, so I continued using my caliburn. Well, it isn’t ideal, safe to say 😅. jazzzthegoos3. I'm currently on day 4 of quitting. So I was wondering why inhaling smoke STRAIGHT into my lungs just really hurts more than inhaling a lot of it and storing it at the top of your throat and your mouth, THEN inhaling it into your lungs. Electronic_Cigarette, a subreddit for discussing everything e-cigs and vaping including mods, tanks, juice, advocacy, methodology, safety, and current news. The doctor also pointed out that alcohol, soda, and high fat foods can trigger gastric pains. The UK have some good studies on Vaping. Central GA. My lungs after 1 year of vaping (after 2 pack a day habit for 8 years) Lets start from the beginning. Sometimes it’s indescribable pain in my lungs and it’s really hard to breathe. i think there is still some lingering health anxiety present here. Before, ideally during, and after. Popcorn lung is caused by diacetyl which is a flavoring agent (tastes buttery). I’ve smoked a total of four or five times. stay hydrated through your sesh homie ! might help a lil Vaping anything is not GOOD for the lungs per se, but while we don’t yet have good evidence, is probably BETTER than vaporizing plant matter and inhaling it (smoking) if you’re smoking plant matter your not doing any vaporizing at all. Vaping is on the rise among teenagers, but reports link it to severe lung disease. Even when I smoke or take edibles I have trouble getting a good full breath sometimes. ago. Ended up having surgery to stick my lung back to my chest after 2 weeks in hospital. Heavy metals from the inner mechanisms and materials of the vape have the potential to leach into the vapor your breathing in and can cause side effects of literally any kind. THC is a bronchiole dilator and there are studies that show there are benefits for breathing. Approximately 80% of patients are under 35 years old. I wonder if you have any breathing related illnesses. If you have chest pains / heart palpitations / arm buzzing / headaches or anything similar and have never experienced these before - it's most likely caused by vaping and / or nicotine. I takes your lungs about 3 months to clen themselfes so dont be worried if you get a lot of slimey coughs a few weeks into switching, thats normal and you want your lungs Dec 11, 2019 · Paul Lubell used to vape medical marijuana to manage his chronic back and neck pain, instead of using opioid medications. Tobacco companies should've figured out a way to make them smell better long ago. . Vaping is actually worse than smoking at least when it comes to nicotine but since I assume a lot of the same ingredients are used its probably best if you stick with edibles and blunts. It’s scary when I get sick. This is because vaping heats weed to a temperature that releases the active compounds without combustion, reducing the intake of harmful byproducts like tar and carbon monoxide that you'd typically get from smoking. Don't take a risk, it's not fucking worth it, toss that cartridge. I kind of like this bad. I ended up switching to edibles for about 2 years, and finally quitting Hi, I'm pretty new to vaping. In my journey, it gave me peace of mind to know that my lungs today are way better than my lungs when i was still vaping. In my experience, I noticed my lung capacity go down when I vaped a lot (whether with carts or dry herb vape), but I also would hit it almost 24/7 and also became lazy and stopped exercising, so I'm basically the worst case. You also started with very high concentrations of nicotine usually reserved for quitting cigarette smoking. To quit you need motivation. pain back of the throat and moreso when deep breathing, the lungs kinda pang and ache. I was naive and didn’t want to believe it was from vaping , but I still quit for 3 weeks in February. Since then I have smoked 2 packs a day (sometimes 3) and smoked cigars, hookahs 6 Share. Pardon my sentences if they're all over the place, I'm high while writing this. Gonna try my best to dial it back. But that doesn't mean that vaping is good - it just isn't killing you quite as quickly. With smoking, my lungs felt dead. Like "a-a-a-a-ahem. While I've never had the experience of vaping sweaty balls, I would suggest that you lower your nic down to 3mg and see if that makes a difference on the throat hit and lung irritation. It usually happens when you get a new toy to play with. But I've noticed that for the past month or so, I've been huffing more when I exercise, and I can't… Oct 19, 2018 · 42,641. Cannabis, drug activism, drug law reform and harm-reduction in Ireland. Vaping, as far as we know, is not. ( got them from a family friend who was 18+) Fast forward to now, I wake up and can barely move for a minute cause I feel this pain I believe is coming from my lungs. I have asthma, and while it’s not bad I am a lot more sensitive. Take slow drags without a ton of suction and increase their duration as you feel comfortable. the ice is probably damaging your lungs with how cold it is especially with big rips with a percolator and frequent usage. I'd visit the doctor anyhow. Stop smoking…. 5 mg carts from sanctuary cannabis. Vaping helps to quit smoking, but I feel like it can be a crutch that can be equally unhealthy if you chain vape too much. " Honestly, I was just so sick of stinking of those rotten-smelling cigs. NSFW. My mother in law started vaping to help her quit about a year ago, and took my husband… I was using a PAX Era vape pen for a few months. exceller0. If you keep going on the same as always your lungs will adjust and the soreness will go away with time. Not potable but you inhale and get instant thick vapor. • 3 yr. Niether of my doctors said anything negative about vaping though, probably because I moved from cigarettes to vaping and its the healthier option. I’ve heard it compared to drowning on dry land. I was a smoker for fifteen years. Look more into heavy metals in dry herb vapes you might get a little scared. I've been vaping out here for a few years The people who have died seemed to have smoked 1 bad cart that made them sick pretty quick. Try a max VG blend or go to CVS and buy some VG and mix it with what you have already. Take longer T breaks and see if it still happens if you feel the need to smoke. Two months after quitting, my lung still hurt. I used to smoke cigs but switched to a vape. I didn’t start with regular cigarettes, my choice of cancer was red davidoffs (one of the harshest strongest out there). All that was smoking related. Smoking is just like the safer option at this point… doesn’t seem like vaping is healthier if it hurts way more and makes you cough 100 times more…it irritates so much more than smoke. 3. I went from a very ill Taxi Driver to a non ill taxi driver in a couple days switching to vaping. I had sore spots on my chest and sides, and they would hurt more every time I inhaled. My lungs/airways would react immediately. Also, shortly after I quit I got sick. Varied reports indicate vaping can result in 'popcorn lung. It usually means you're chain vaping. you’re combusting the plant matter. Won’t try and explain the pain (the actually collapse not too bad but that tube they put in when you’re in A&E fml). Does this… vuse uses nicotine salts…which usually contain an acid like benzoic acid to change the ph of the nicotine ( turn it into protonated nicotine…these ph adjusters do not play nice with the lungs i have found…freebase nicotine eliquid seems to fair better. I cant say that is going on in your case, but that is what I was told. The red throat is quite common. I have bad anxiety and I will feel sharp pains that hurt in and around my chest daily. Max vg makes my lungs feel heavy and I get out of breath if I chain vape it. The last 2 weeks I’ve gone without vaping and switched to nicotine pouches. Also taking long deep drags could be pushing down on everything below the diaphragm causing pain in areas getting pushed. they are getting better. As a runner and cyclist, my lungs feel way better after using the dry herb vape compared to combusting flower. If turning down the temp doesn't help much, or you need high temp effects, drink more fluids around your session. That’s the lungs trying their hardest to get rid of all the crap we sucked down. The sharp pains you are experiencing are probably due to anxiety. I just assumed it was my lungs adjusting to vaping as the tar and cigarette crap was going away. hz kw sa xj fj rb bb uf gm fq