After year and a half working in retail I landed an entry lever job in marketing and now, almost two years later I feel like my career is heading the right way. • 6 yr. 2M subscribers in the college community. I’m making over 100k two years out of college in a LCOL area. No matter the pros and cons I put for each I still want to go to both of them and we all know that’s impossible. I honestly think ur throwing away a lot of money to waste ur college experience on partying and stuff since most kids who do that end up not doing well. Most of the people I know weren't entirely sure of their major, myself included, until a semester or so in. My boyfriend is bringing his gaming pc/gaming set up with him to college, so yes bring it! 2. Yes, go to college if you want to have career options. If you're not excited about a large undertaking such as going to college, there isn't going to be some magical point that you overlooked that will make you enjoy the experience. Fancy-Interview3780. If your school, and town, has good public transportation (often, this is free to local college students), then a car may not be a necessity. Award. In today’s society (US) everyone is expected to go to College after high school, yet not everyone is set for that type of… of course you should go to college. You can also take advantage of tuition reimbursement work training programs. TheRealSuperNoodle. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. Prereqs and course codes dont match. ) I'd say that 3/5 people I met in college didn't need to be there and aren't using their education. I know that it’s definitely possible, but looking at all of my friends who didn’t go to college, all of them work dead end jobs. 32 an hour. If you want to make a career out of photography, major in business. SaucyBeats. I'm graduating in a month and I have no idea what I'm going to do and Everyone tells me I should go to a college or university. This is probably made even worse by lowering the Go to college. I have done both the trade school and the 4 year degree. Descarus. ik CS is good there or something but Lowell is not a “great campus” for anyone else lmao. Some people just like challenges. If you don’t get into a UC you want to go to, since you have above a 3. But, pretending that obtaining a basic 2 year community college degree is unobtainable due to tuition costs is absurd. With that being said, college isn't for everyone. TLDR: go to college because it can make whatever career you have years from now feel just as fulfilling as your current one does, socially+financially+mentally stimulating. But when you are barely a legal adult and have probably never even lived on your own, you don’t really know that much about yourself. I'm gonna be stuck with the bill at the end if I stick with it. Rich kids just go to college for the vibes. It is totally worth it to go to college with a GED. If your field of choice requires a degree, go to college. But college is the closest we have to a fantasy land, neither adult nor child. Most valuable thing you can learn from 18-25, regardless of education, is what you want to do with your life. B) stock picking/day-trading/etc. Now as a senior in high school applying to colleges, I realized I do want to go but only for the experiences. I learned those things in the military. I’m extremely nervous about going to college. The stipend that you receive from them will vary and is meant as an incentive so students will not look for a summer job and continue with their studies. Nobody is paying for my degree. 16. Once you take a few years off, it'll be tough to go back and possibly courses you could have leveraged from high school as credits may no longer be valid. go to a local community college. ago. According to this student loan calculator repayments on a $120k loan would be around $1400/mo for 10 years. If after a few semesters college still isn’t your thing, theres no shame in coming back to your current city, or moving to a different career field or school. Go to trade school first and get a job in whatever trade you want, then go to college part time to study what you are interested in learning. Too many credits, so the school doesnt want you. Don't feel pressured to do something because it's what society expects you to do after high school. I believe lots of people should get a higher education, but only if it's something they can actually use for their career of choice. 269 votes, 101 comments. Two years community college then transfering is affordable and I live close to a good school that i know transfers easily. Pursue your dream. And remember if you change your mind you can always go back later. If you feel unprepared for knowing the financial side of a business, call your bank and ask them to meet with their small business financial advisor. easy to balance reserves + college + part time /full time job if you plan your days/weeks out. There'll be lots of other people to socialize with there. 0 you have 23 CSUs to choose from. Will be a freshman in college next semester. • 1 yr. As a college student myself, I know it's not for everyone. mariambc. You can look for REUs in your school or ask your professors if they know of any. ALvl13Rattata. Crazy-Personality-84 • 1 yr. Share. Others like the prestige that comes with graduating from Harvard. The last thing I recommend is going into the medical field if you test high enough. It depends what one wants. Then when you graduate you can get a more career related job and start paying it off. You will have to build your reputation from the ground up. Everyone goes to college now and the majority of students don't belong there. 3. If you are in the top 9% you can go to a UC, though you won’t necessarily get your choice of campus. Many hiring managers simply look to see if the college box is checked on the resume & filter resumes that way. Save that edginess for your indie films bro. Self-education is great if you can do it, but it's substantially more difficult to start from zero. If your eventual goal is to attend college, then I'd recommend a gap year and no more. Yes, I agree completely. It felt like babysitting to me. But the solution is not to lord that over other people and actively wish for nothing to get better. College gives a solid foundation that you can build on. College is what u make it to be. College can be helpful in facilitating this by broadening your understand of what is out there, but it’s up to you to figure that out. Maybe we shouldn’t pressure everyone to go to college right after high school. Some choose to drink every night and party and some choose to study and stick to their work. You can make a living in IT without a degree. Minimum wage in my state is $7. Nothing is ever 'free', just 'free to you'. Furthermore (and probably more importantly), you're far away from your parents, and thus have the freedom to do so. You would rather be back in college, I would rather be out there working. Teenagers have too much pressure to attend college right away. Because of covid, I wasn’t able to get into the shape I’d Around 70% of graduating seniors go to college in the US. University of San Francisco - 16k per year scholarship. The bottom line is that you cannot legally force your parents to give information for a FAFSA form. I think the important part is to socialize the way you like to, but to be sure you're socializing. The idea of partying must appeal to you too some degree, or you wouldn't question it. The question is really whether you WANT to go to college. The labor shortage in the trades is primarily caused by pushing every kid to go to college. I got accepted to an REU and they will pay me $5,000 for the whole summer. JF42. Most folks also don't use their summers strategically, during the summer they should be 1) working a paid internship, 2) taking general education classes while working part I have no doubt that advances in AI will change how education is done, but at the moment, college is still a reasonable option for formal education. Homerpaintbucket. " The drive to go to college will fade when employers start to not require a Bachelor's degree for jobs that seriously don't require them. So any reason you may have to go out of state should justify the price difference over your in-state options. Posted by u/dannypauling - 1 vote and 3 comments I'm a history major and minoring in classical studies. Win/win. That’s a strong advantage to apprenticeship, but the college equivalent would be internships or work-study. Even cheaper if the state is paying your way in dual enrollment classes at community college. Go to Community College in CA, transfer into USC, UCLA, or UC Berkeley, go $200k in debt, and maybe be able to juggle school and my business Work on my business full time but go to a year long coding bootcamp at Stanford which is basically a computer science degree but without going to all the extra classes. Liberal arts majors are often regarded as "useless" because unlike majors like comp sci or engineering, you aren't offered a guaranteed school-to-work path. thought this said cat and was about to say yes. Trades are looked down upon as the backup option for those not smart enough for college. -1. Honestly I feel for you, it sucks that you can't go to college purely because of financial reasons. 8K subscribers in the nytimes community. However -- when you get to the Enterprise level employers want to hire a professional who understands their business needs and how technology affects their environment. A lot of times, it can be harder to transfer from a CC to a University. I’ll be able to get the “big college” experience and there are more degree options in the field I want to go into if I decided I didn’t like political science. These days a college degree does not mean you get the job you want. Reply. Maybe they want a free ride, or at least a good scholarship package so they don't have crippling student debt, so they have to get the good grades to justify it (most Ivy leagues will give poor students a free ride). 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. You should bring it, I bet you can find a setup that will work, and it will be nice to have a familiar way to talk to your friends! 2. You should go and get trained in what you want. 6 million higher for those who attend college, and the gap is likely to grow. Its a hard life in the trenches. Honestly, yeah. College works best if it is what you want and are motivated to do it. I went to college because I wanted to have a better opportunity to get out of the mess that is my hometown. Since my sophomore year, I knew that I didn't want to go to college. Go talk to your guidance counselor and some of your teachers. efbo. Thats why even people working in the field need to go to confrences and seminars, continued learning. Depends on your circumstances. It was fine. It's cheaper to explore options at community college than at state universties with tuition fees books dorm and meal plan costing $24,000 per year. (Probably taxes) Thus, it makes sense to limit entry to students who will or have shown a propensity to take school seriously and learn and perform. student loans are a simple financial decision. Success in college will always be a byproduct of things like discipline, networking, time management, and drive. I have a BS in Computer Science and have worked full time in my field for 10+ years. So it technically doesn't have anything to do with "smarts", or at least not as much as people might think it does. ucklin • 1 yr. You just also have to consider AT and IDTT time. (You sound like some old boomer. Instead, are we promoting another option. I'd say anywhere between 3-6 hours drive by car is a good distance if you're looking for more independence. Median lifetime earnings are $1. A college degree is the golden ticket to many jobs. Take a look at what new grads are making in whatever your prospective major is. 52 votes, 16 Yes. Humans are innately curious beings, extremely curious as a matter of fact. If finances are an issue If one lands you in significantly less debt, I'd go that route. You have to decide if going to college is going to be worth it for you, for the person you aspire to be in the future. Going to a community college you won’t have the same experience as a university student. As correctly stated by others, completing a FAFSA is not required for college admission or enrollment. But now that it’s less than two weeks until I move in, I’m incredibly nervous. I never really wanted to go to college, and there was a point where I decided I didn’t want to go at all because I thought it’s a waste of time and money. Union I do think which ever way you go, start working in the field early. Attending college could be worth it if getting a college education and earning a degree are needed by the profession you want to go into in the future. Once you figure out what you want, college is a lot easier. Now, that being said, you will have to work harder than if you had a highschool transcript, extracurriculars, HS volunteer hours, etc to speak to your academic ability. i joined, and then went to college. This by definition means that, best case scenario, at least 20% of the people there are below average intelligence and there are a significant amount of Sub-90 IQ people in college, and probably even a decent amount of sub 85 IQ people. [deleted] • 9 yr. You can go to school, hate it, leave, decide there’s actually something you want to get from school, and go back. We go to college to learn because we want to. 1. It is only required for financial aid purposes. I just hope that the younger generation is not getting discouraged about the college/no college dilemma. you borrow now to earn more later. Otherwise, what’s great about being an adult and done with high school is there’s endless ways of going about things. Going to college is not needed to start a business, unless you need accreditation in the sector you're going into (ie, trades, medical practices etc). Hey reddit, I've gotten good grades in High school but i didn't find one second of it enjoyable. If finances aren't an issue I'd choose the most prestigious college and the one with a business focus as you can get a good job with it in a lot of areas. Should Everyone Go to College? 8. your credits from your associates will transfer so you will come in as a junior and will have only 2 years left to complete. These camps cost about $20k AnxiousInvestigator2. Delta (s) from OP. Case Western Reserve University. 163 votes, 70 comments. The cost of college has risen substantially over time and No, in fact, don't bring anything besides one pair of clothes you're wearing and a few basic tools. AnalogKid2112. It's not weird, plenty of people don't party in college, it all just depends on the person. Yes, in most 1st world countries a degree is almost necessary for a stable income (unless you plan on going into a blue collar high risk job like construction) Reply reply. If it wasn't business for me, I would have gone for astronomy or meteorology. It isn't affordable for most people, and that's one of the myriad reasons why it should be forgiven. Anytime anyone asks (or will listen) I tell them the most useful class I took in college was personal financial planning. Boston University - 20k per year scholarship. Community college is cheaper and just feels like high school 2. This option costs around 25K. I wish it was taught in high school, but if you don't get it there, take it in college. then once you graduate enroll in a state public university. You start school with outdated systems and methods, you finish 2 or 3 generations behind industry leaders. Find something you're passionate for outside pf driving. If college became free, the money to run it and pay salaries will still have to come from somewhere. However, not everyone should go for obvious reasons. Dating in college is a golden opportunity, and you may never get a better environment to do so: Seriously, you're living among thousands of people your age who are all intelligent, and relatively academically oriented. So, I'm not really worried about the rigor, most of the alumni at my school say they felt ready for the college workload. Take the gap year! Relax the whole year for all it matters. The blue collar people are making less than $30 an hour. It is talked about so much that I felt the pressure of it. I've taken all honors classes and 4 APs in junior year while balancing it with being on the swim team. This may be a positive for some people, since they get to meet many different types of people. The statistic you cite is overly broad, and feeds into the myth that going to college, for anything, equates to later success. There are college graduates flipping burgers. You may find out it wasn’t for you But if I have the money to go straight to a four year university and get accepted, I definitely want to go. Fasa loans work if you get a job about your 2nd yr and start making the minimum payments on it as to not accrue interest debt. College is the default path pushed by high schools and many families. Do I go to college and pay $120,000 to $160,000. If you want to do a trade, then go down to the union hall. Many people aren't prepared for the rigors of a four year university or would be better served by a community college or trade school. And there is a broader selection of classes at community college than AP classes at high school. It’s hard to be successful without a degree. After hearing from all of you wonderful people and talking to a couple of really close friends, I have decided to go back to school. I feel like in college you are treated as a person and everyone is focused on themselves for the most part. Not only for the degree but also for the experience. Either a Bachelor's in Business or a field of study close to your passions as possible. The average community college tuition is about $8K per year. 2. "The college experience" isn't for everyone. The dopamine hit from winning big on a position scratches the gambling itch nicely. If not, don It’s preposterous that the US college system has failed so many students, it’s not just you, and that’s what this subreddit tells us. That would almost certainly not be worth it. Reply reply. The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life. •. Some teachers that I had before including my family (especially my mom), are already asking me about college or where I might go. Voted 68% unpopular. • 3 yr. A. There's a reason that they classify it as equivalent to a HS diploma. ago • Edited 3 yr. I did not know college credits obtained in high school could become invalid. If you are running with scholarships and get into a university as a freshman, then you may as well go for it. I met most of my best friends in college and we had some of the craziest times of my life. . You can go to school and hate it and stop doing school and figure out something else. taxref. It is a lot of money and effort to go to college if it’s not what you want to do. There's also a vast difference between your top-tier colleges, your party colleges, and your community colleges. You will pay as much as college just to have employers throw away your resume or pay you half as much. allthedifference. It's worth it to get away from home and learn how to live without your parents too. is basically gambling but with somewhat classier connotations. College isn't for everyone, and I think too many people go because they think like you. I’m 21 now didn’t go to college and all I have done is stressed abt I’m too old I need to do this and that and then I get older and realize that you’re at the age where you should focus on yourself and whatever it takes. Here are the colleges I've been accepted to minus some I feel comfortable ruling out: ASU - Barrett Honors program and scholarship. People keep telling me I should major in something useful like Computer Science or something in stem but it's just not for me. College isn't the right path for everyone, and that's totally okay. The hardest part of most jobs is getting one, and knowing the right people makes that part a lot easier. I'm going to say this, that if you feel like you're missing out something by not going out, then you are probably missing out on something. Basically I think everyone who can manage it with their course load should work part-time during college since even 10 hours a week can result in a couple grand after taxes. Just be majoring in communications for six years and enjoying shit 😭. The financial gain from earning a college degree can significantly vary depending on factors such as your school, your major, and your access to financial aid. College is important in a lot of cases. Many, many people fail out of college and have to pay back loans for degrees they don't even have. You certainly don't have to go to college but I'd recommend it. Also, it's easier to become an Officer when you're in than if you're not. RIT. It depends on what you want to do as a career. And then I went to college. Formerly, the Official New York Times Subreddit. It's not the worst advice. Keep following this sub, read some blogs or other sites, do the Khan Academy course on college admissions, go to your local library and check out some books, etc. 19. Maybe suffering was a little much but I am really unhappy and my future isn't looking too bright. I signed up for an intro communications class in college. Santa Clara University. They being said, I do do weekly DND with friends. I don't know what's wrong with me but going to more school The second option is my state school. There is very little benefit to going to school for photography when you can learn the basics in a book like Understanding Exposure, and can get endless feedback/CC through meet ups and forums. Learned 10x more before and after college. Plus you can continue on if you get a job you like in the military. I only told my mom that I didn't want to go to If you want to look more casual during school, you could wear a t-shirt under your button-up shirt, and leave the button-up shirt untucked and open, like a jacket. Military will pay you to go to college. Curious why everyone is applying for computer science. While there are a few OOS options that may provide good scholarships, others may end up costing up to 300K over 4 years. All depends on what you wanna do. At community college you'll be with people from 18 to 60. People with real intelligence and work ethic. A lot of people go to vo-tech's and get certificates for different trades. But look up interviews on the writing process, most importantly how people get published. Only reason is because of my Screenshots of Black people being hilarious or insightful on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best. CMV: 90% of high school students should not go to college. College can be a significant investment of time and money, and for some, it may not pay off. According to my math, if I worked 40 hours a week (full-time), I'd need to earn about $10. I know that I’m ready to go to college and I feel that I will be successful. So, you should definitely start getting your general classes in right away,, as you have to knock those out for virtually any degree you pursue. Provided that we'll actually be able to go on campus, I will have an internship with the governor that…. 6M subscribers in the college community. College isn't for everyone. Everyone around you is in the same position. I know people who were straight A students in college and did not do well in high school. Some just don't have the aptitude, or the proper vision. You become a "school slaves with no personality" when choose to become one I was a D student in highschool but damn I really like college Haha. I graduated and went on in acadamia and I never went to a party. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Discussion. MembersOnline. But there is really not much else that can be done from Reddit, the pleas for help go unanswered and met with “join a club” because there just isn’t that much else that can be done from Reddit. Society, as much as most people on Reddit want it to be, is not an everyone wins and gets the same thing situation. Application Question. . If one turns 18 and wants to get out and start living as a 100% adult, that is fine. I understand that isn’t a reality in our country right now. It'll prevent burnout if you do step up to trucking long term. For example if it’s in rural area it may be a good idea. A lot of the top paying jobs require a degree. Not really. LoneBassClarinet. My family still pressures me to go back to college, saying that even a bachelor’s degree would make a huge difference. So break this down by degree attained. Their parents want them to. 0. Writing is my passion and that's what I want to do with my life. All of my closest friends are going there and it’s only 2 hours from my home. 25, and as a shift manager I only earn $9 an hour. Close enough to drive home on holidays, but too far for your parents to show up unannounced while you're "studying" with a classmate. Short answer: no. The stats are clear, college grads earn significantly more, they have higher income, lower unemployment, and anecdotally, better jobs (more autonomy, responsibility, freedom, working conditions, ect). The percentage can be shifted by a few degrees - my point is that MOST high school students do not need to go to college and only choose to attend because…. Q&A. I already feel like my roommate doesn’t like me from how we’ve talked. Don’t spend years and thousands of dollars learning something before you find out if you can stand to do it. I think it depends on what school you go to and it’s location. Edit: thank you to everyone who took the time to give me advice. Colorado Boulder - 6k per year scholarship. That’s as much “prestige” as anyone needs; UCs are excellent and employers know that. I'm in much more debt from the trade school and it didn't get me a job. ago • Edited 6 yr. (As a note: I personally think everyone should have access to all options, and not just the privileged. A college degree used to be reserved for people who were truly a cut above the rest. So trying to have on campus jobs, on campus events, on campus gyms, clubs, on and off campus housing, on and off campus dining, rest of the city to explore. You get all the priviledges of adulthood but none of the responsibilities. I didn't want to stay there and do the same thing everyone else did, and I wanted to cut ties with my family and some acquaintances from high school that got me into a few bad situations. I don't want to go to college. Or some have a balance of both. Feb 23, 2024 · College Is a High-Risk Investment. It used to be "Go to college and you'll do better, it's such an opportunity!" Now it's "You can't even get a basic job without a Bachelor's Degree these days. Yeah, this along with the environment is just different. You can go to school. ADMIN MOD. I did the math, and my total bill per month would be about ~$1,400, maybe cut down to $1,200 if I used public transportation. davidmaamoaix. Trade schools are garbage. I know that college isn't for everyone. Honestly it’s a pretty good bet to throw your money in an index or etf and leave x% of your portfolio to put into other securities. However, college has been completely different than high school and it’s not fair to even compare them. Reddit, what is something everyone should do in college? Ideas are always something nice to have! Edit 1- Dear Dog in the sky this blew up! Rip inbox as everyone says and this was all pretty awesome advice! 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. There are tons of free resources, but most applicants have not read even one single book about college admissions. There are thousands of kids in college who would rather go into the trades, but are only in college because of peer and parental pressure. Procure all materials on site and before you know it you'll have a ton of high level friends to craft with and can make your own new gaming PC from scratch. If you want to do something else, then do a couple years at community college first. If you’re worried that college will be anything like high school, don’t worry because it’s better in every way IMO. And OP, you're re also right to say that not everyone needs to go to college. get an associates in math or computer science. a local community college will be inexpensive. So it's up to you, but it can be extra money and down time. I only want to go to college for the experience. brownbagtreecake. r/AskReddit. Both of them are very good and have the major I want but it’s just a choice between coming back to home everyday and be around high school friends or be 3 hours away with MAYBE friends and away from family. They could be fresh out of high school or decided that they wanted to go back to college after working for 20 years. rh hw co ag aj qu zs he xa rp