Ttc after miscarriage mumsnet 2021

Ttc after miscarriage mumsnet 2021

Ttc after miscarriage mumsnet 2021. I have a 3yr old so it feels like forever ago I was pregnant! Had one CP since trying again and a few cycles that were a bit odd and I wonder if I conceived but hormones weren’t high enough to get a positive test. Condolences on your losses and congrats on your bfp. Picked up after 16 week midwife appointment when no fetal hear Aug 31, 2023 · Can 100% relate. Not sure if any of you ladies are here from thread 1. And I had my first period 18 days after that. So far I've been really relaxed, knowing it's gonna take at least a few months to fall pregnant and then tonight I just lost the plot and did an IC test at 6dpo, afternoon pee, no hold. After about a week. Report. @MollySxx. After my 4th loss, I had to take a break whilst we underwent recurrent miscarriage tests. Apr 10, 2021 · How long did it take everyone to fall pregnant after miscarriage? I came off my pill October and fell pregnant straight away which ended in miscarriag Jan 16, 2023 · I had a miscarriage in September 22, I have been TTC since. 5 weeks, blighted ovum as well. We fell pregnant 2 weeks after our miscarriage and a friend of our fell after Omer period following her miscarriage, can't give you full on evidence but we were trying for a year before we fell the first time and then after the MC we fell straight away. Jul 19, 2021 · Tche900 · 19/07/2021 18:39. If it is a new pregnancy theyd also find it hard Jun 17, 2022 · It took me 3 cycles to get pregnant again after my 1st loss, but then managed to conceive for 3 consecutive cycles (sadly all resulted in losses). It can depend on how late you OV and when the egg implants, that can all happen later than you think so try not to worry. I had a loss at 5/6 weeks recently. Read somewhere that mc is very rare after hearing a heartbeat at 8 weeks. I had to be induced followed by a d&c procedu Nov 14, 2021 · Hey Ladies, I'm wanting some advice if possible. 398 replies. May 23, 2021 · Hi all, I’ll start with some back story before I get into everything. We tried as soon as my pg test came back negative. 5 weeks later. Jun 28, 2020 · Currently 6+3 I think. I had a miscarriage just over 3 years ago with ex partner. Sep 10, 2017 · I'm 30, TTC my first and have had three miscarriages, all early (two natural MCs at five weeks, then a MMC where a scan at 6+5 revealed development had again stopped at 5 weeks). I had my first period on time and we are ttc again . Bookmark. I don’t think I ovulated the first 42 days after MC because I still had hcg levels. I am tracking my BBT and CM. I got my static face on cycle day 14 :D!! I DTD on cycle days 11 13 14 16 and will tomorrow just for luck! Sep 5, 2021 · Conundrum12345 · 06/09/2021 12:12. Youd then need to wait weeks and weeks to find out if it's a new pregnancy. Our 2nd child followed 2 mc's, our 3rd followed 1 mc and this baby (6th) follows 2 mc's too. Dec 17, 2021 · Mumsnet Logo. I've just suffered a miscarriage this week at 6 weeks. 24 replies. I went on to lose that one 9 weeks later. Apr 19, 2024 · Part three of of our previous threads. Ad started today, so looks like I'm back to 28 days again since the miscarriage in October. But seemed to ovulate first cycle after AF, granted now my cycles are a bit messed up now. *@SLCxxx* *@jus Feb 18, 2021 · So if in a few weeks you test positive you dont know if that's from the previous pregnancy where you had a miscarriage or from a new pregnancy. My cycle seems strange! Had weird ewcm looking stuff the day after my period so Jun 23, 2021 · I had a D&C done at 18 weeks on May 5th to terminate my pregnancy because my cervix gave up. 5weeks and I think I’ve passed all/most of the tissue etc and bleeding had started slowing down and changing to a more brown colour…. I ovulated a few weeks after as I tested to avoid pregnancy as we weren't ready. Jan 2, 2020 · @Katy0000 I'm so sorry can't imagine how hard it would be after seeing a heartbeat. TTC after Early Miscarriage part 3 757 757 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, May 2, 2021 · Hi all, I’m new here and need some advice please! I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks (first pregnancy). Hi Jen, yes I’m 40 approaching 41 and have been trying for no. We had our first loss March 2020, it took us from the May till the October to fall pregnant, which ended in a chemical. Jan 12, 2021 · Twothirtyam · 17/01/2021 02:39. This is my 3rd this year (I had one in April Dec 8, 2021 · Fell pregnant again second cycle of trying in March 2021 and currently 40+1 weeks waiting for our little rainbow's arrival. Sep 2, 2021 · I’m currently going through an early MC/ectopic (doctors not yet sure). Search Active discussions Aug 25, 2021 · Period after miscarriage. It was to be my second child. The bleeding has now stopped (a Oct 23, 2021 · Conceiving after miscarriage. May 4, 2021 · Hi all. I know that it can often take around 6 weeks to return but I have had very strong period cramps for the past 2 weeks and no sign of AF. 30 replies. It took 9 weeks for my tests to go negative (was at a similar stage to you). That one marked 3 within 8 months and I'd also had one a year previous. 2 for about 6 cycles. I'm so sorry to read about everyone's losses. Now Apr 27, 2021 · Hello everyone! Would love some advise right about now. We had planne May 11, 2021 · Natural miscarriage but tests still positive. You just want to hit those mlestones once you're expecting but TTC in itself is a whole different ballgame. I understand this is pretty early as average is 4-8 weeks for AF to return after MC. Trying to concieve after the miscarriages is emotionel and stressful, trusting your own body and the process is almost impossible and the apparently succesful pregnancy afterwards (34 weeks today) is the scariest thing I've ever done. Feb 12, 2014 · eurochick · 13/02/2014 07:48. I didn't conceive for the whole of 2022 and fell pregnant in March this year! Completely unexpected as I'd given up hope. Then I fell pregnant again in the December and that was a natural miscarriage. Mar 18, 2021 · Hello I’m not sure if I’m writing in the right place but just needed some support on ttc after miscarriage this is our first month trying but I’m n Apr 19, 2021 · Hi all, I know there are a few threads for those conceiving post-MC but didn't know which one to join, and also I wanted to start a thread for anyone May 2, 2021 · Not much you can do to prevent a miscarriage unfortunately. Miscarriage bleeding lasted just Dec 26, 2019 · Hello all (and late Merry Christmas!) Looking for TTC buddies in a similar situation! 👋 In September I accidentally became pregnant. I had a missed miscarriage back last March, Jun 5, 2021 · I'm on day 4 of my medicated miscarriage. Supertrooper101 · 14/09/2023 15:16. I see a few people on this site saying they've been through it, I had no idea how common it was. Sorry for your loss. I had a missed miscarriage back in April - baby had stopped growing around 6 weeks but I only found out at my 12 week scan. The longest I managed to carry for was 8 weeks, but only as it a missed miscarriage. Me and DH have been TTC ever since but haven’t had any success yet. Jan 2, 2021 · Me and my husband have been trying since October for a 2nd baby. Last month I tracked CM and had signs of ovulating on CD29, and the OPK confirmed this. My cycle was all over the shop! Feb 10, 2022 · Hi, sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I am TTC now after having being 4months preg in Sept and very sadly decided to terminate pregnancy as baby girl had turners and a heart defect which would likely have been fatal. I asked my GP about it and she said that basically anything is normal after a miscarriage - your cycle can be different Nov 12, 2007 · I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks this Summer and I got pregnant immediately - according to a scan at 10 weeks and one at 13 weeks I conceived 6 days after passing my pregnancy sac Anyway, I'm now 15+4 and should feel more confident but don't - I've felt very early movements since 14 weeks (I did also with ds2) but nothing during the last few days. Looking for some positive vibes from others that have been through similar 💫I had a miscarriage in June, had my first period last month. Just starting to try this month. Don't give Jun 30, 2021 · Early scans with EPU showed nothing certain and blood tests then confirmed hcg wasn't doubling so they diagnosed another miscarriage. 1 reply. I'm just finishing cycle 1 of TTC and am entering into cycle 2 with complete bewilderment and trepidation. Good luck. I had a miscarriage recently at 9 weeks (baby showed heartbeat but only measured 6 weeks on scan on day of miscarriage). It was Jan 15, 2021 · sweetpea2000 · 21/01/2021 14:11. Got pregnant end of Jan and sadly lost the baby (natural spontaneous mc) at 11 weeks. Hello, I had surgical management mid July and I'm losing the will to live waiting for my period. Mommabear96 · 10/04/2024 08:02. After ttc for 6 months, dh and I were over the moon with my positive result. Miscarriage confirmed today. We’ve previously been through 7 miscarriages. Have also had a few follow up scans which Jul 15, 2021 · Sorry to hear you're going through this. Jan 20, 2021 · Hi all Our little girl was born sleeping on Friday. 5 weeks). Even though you only know you're pregnant for a few days it's still really upsetting. This was my first pregnancy after 18 months ttc and I'm wondering if anyone more knowledgeable can give me any words of advice. I did bleed a teeny bit on one day about 2 weeks after the miscarriage, but it almost certainly wasn't a period, more like bloody discharge (sorry for TMI!). I opted for a mva so they could test the tissue. Jul 31, 2021 · Hi Dears, Really want some help and reassurance. I had a weird AF earlier this month. On the bright side I conceived again six weeks later. Assumed I'd be fine going for the 3rd. i ovulated 4 days ago and im getting the exact same t Dec 6, 2020 · WildflowerPetals · 06/12/2020 21:05. Mar 10, 2021 · I had my first negative test 16 days later. Hi ladies, I’m currently (hopefully) at the end of an early loss, baby was 6. We are just ttc regularly but it's hard not knowing. Jun 29, 2021 · Trying to be calm and rational (this is my first cycle on recurrent miscarriage treatment). In all 3 pregnancies, I conceived very quickly, (within 3 months) However, since the surgery in December, I have struggled to conceive. Think I was 10 days 'late' before got a really dark line. I had conceived this February but had an early miscarriage in april. It is really hard to relax in pregnancy after mc but it does get easier the further you get. With my 4 miscarriages, it really did vary. I'm pregnant again now, roughly 5. Have 2 children 5 and nearly 7. I believe I've passed the pregnancy tissues and now my uterus is returning to normal size again so I've got Jun 9, 2023 · Then we started trying again and I had another miscarriage. I know it’s incredibly soon, and I am in no wa Mar 31, 2009 · When I had DD the lines on my tests were really faint for days even after AF due. I'm only 6 days after being told I lost my 16 week old boy via ultrasound scan and only 3 days after giving birth to him. I had a private scan at 8 weeks and everything was fine. Jun 24, 2023 · I fell pregnant in June 2021 miscarried at 9 weeks, fell pregnant again in October 2021 miscarried again at 6 weeks. Oct 26, 2020 · Hi Ladies, I love that there's so much chat we need a part 4! Sep 28, 2021 · Miscarriage can take away the early joy of new pregnancies but I told myself that was ok as my brain was just trying to protect me from any more heartbreak. Got preg again in Nov and miscarried before Christmas at just about 6 weeks. Jul 28, 2021 · So. I too started to think about when to try again and everything I’ve seen has said as long as symptoms of miscarriage have stopped and you have a negative test you can start trying x Jan 24, 2021 · Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. I had to give birth to my daughter and then do a d&c. So grateful. That one ended in a d&c surgery. Over in conception there is the posi frickin tivity thread mentioned and a few threads for the over 30s or over 35s and in my experience many of the posters on the latter threads have experienced mc as well, as it is so common. Quote. My periods took a while to settle down after my miscarriage - they were roughly normal cycle length but much lighter for a while and I noticed I had more painful cramping before they began. Tracked ovulation and ttc straight away this month, feeling deflated as af has arrived right on time tonight 😢. I was advised to wait for at least one cycle before trying again. I’m not in a rush to ttc again but this unexpected loss has shaken me. Jan 8, 2022 · Me and my husband have been ttc for a few months now and on new years day we got our positive result 2 first reposnse tests and 1 clearblue. Looking for a bit of a handhold here I guess and perhaps some perspective. Unfortunately, I’ve had nothing but heartache, losing each one in early miscarriages, 3 since January 2021. I’m still spotting and in constant cramping pain which will be my second week May 23, 2022 · I had a MMC the start of Dec 2021, we got pregnant within 2 months of trying and decided to go for an early scan at 8 weeks and unfortunately learnt that our baby was measuring 6 weeks, this lead to having surgical intervention. Hope that Aug 3, 2021 · I, too, had two miscarriages (both MA, both around 9-10 weeks, with surgical management). Jan 6, 2021 · LittleTiger007 · 06/01/2021 10:51. Don't put pressure on yourself or your body to move on mentally or physically. I started trying again this m Jun 10, 2021 · I got pregnant again on the first cycle of trying after the MC and initially was only feeling apprehension and dread. 5 years which ended in missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. I hope it hasn't completely screwed up my ability to ovulate! Mar 28, 2014 · It's a horrible sad time when any miscarried happens. Was TTC first time with my ex for 2. HopingForOurRainbowBaby · 10/05/2021 22:31. Jul 17, 2021 · I'm SO confused as to what is going on with my body! Just over 2 weeks ago had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks. Heard the heartbeat etc so like a few of you have said I had false hope. I was very very lucky and conceived again in December (so had an Oct and Nov AF). My GP said that you do ovulate in the weeks after a MC, but it's harder to track, and it can take a while for AF to get back on track after the trauma of a MC. I've been having some ovulation type pains but don't know if that's just my body getting back to normal. My cycles were all over the place after up until around May, we both decided after the miscarriage we Jun 7, 2023 · Active discussions Sign up Search Jan 8, 2021 · Hello! I'm about to be 35. I’ve been on birth control for about 13 years, then went off this last October ( Oct 14, 2021 · Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. I miscarried 6 weeks later. After 3 wee Oct 3, 2021 · TTC after a loss at any stage is daunting. I went on having morning sickness for three weeks after a medical management 😥 not easy. Mar 25, 2021 · Just after some advice if anyone can help please? Had ERPC for MMC about 2. Dec 3, 2021 · Since then my cycles have gone from 32-35 days prior to MC to 42 days. Aug 8, 2021 · Hi, I had a miscarriage at 11 week 3 days on 15th June this year. Last night I discovered I was bleeding and not lightly it was almost like my period and had some really bad cramping having ran 111 they said to wait it out Jan 5, 2021 · Hi just wondered if anyone had any experience of continuing TTC after miscarriage. I didn't ovulate straight after my miscarriage, so waited for next cycle. A few months later my brother and sister in law got pregnant first month of trying and have a healthy boy. That pregnancy ended in MC, which was discovered at my routine scan and which required a surgical removal just before 13 weeks (baby stopped developing at 9. Sep 14, 2023 · Over 40s ttc after a missed miscarrige. I’m now on my 7th cycle since the miscarriage. 44 replies. Had a mmc at 12 weeks (Trisomy 21) :( T May 20, 2020 · TTC after miscarriage 44 replies Emmaa124 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Jan 4, 2014 · But I did get AF 5 weeks after the day the MC started. This time round I was trying with my current partner for 6 months and ended in missed miscarriage again at 10 weeks. Hi, i had my 12wk scan beginning of april 23 and the babys heart had stopped at 8wk and 3 daysi opted for a d&c ( i have no idea why, i wish i had gone for the more natrual approach with medication now) been trying ttc since april and just isnt happening. Now worried about miscarrying again, not falli Dec 6, 2021 · Hi guys I posted on here about having a blighted ovum recently and found it so helpful in trying to get through such an awful time. May 10, 2021 · Add post. Nov 8, 2023 · First of all I am sorry for your miscarriage, I know how devastating it is. CD1 today and it’s our first month trying so we’re right at the start. December 2020: BFP after 5 months of trying. Jan 26, 2020 · Pika93 · 05/01/2021 22:30. Hi everyone, Just reaching out for some comforting words of wisdom during a moment of spiralling worry and panic that I'm never going to get to bring home a longed for baby. After my 4th one we took a break just to give my body time to recover physically. Sep 20, 2021 · It's annoying that online it always says you're period should return in about 2-4 weeks :/. I agree with @TheDaydreamBelievers. Have been TTC ever since but haven’t had any luck so far and it’s really getting me down Aug 23, 2021 · I recently suffered a miscarriage in beginning of June, sadly my baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 4 days gestation. If the tests pick up around 20/25 units then thats way above what my normal used to be (under 2 on day 2 of cycle). HP123 · 25/08/2021 13:05. August 2021: Our DD was born. I will be 21 weeks tomorrow. Jul 3, 2020 · Rumples · 04/07/2020 13:13. PearlCat · Today 17:57. My period came a month later and I just went to th May 25, 2023 · I guess I was wondering whether anyone else had experienced consistently higher LH levels after a miscarriage. 😔. My second period after that was 3. TTC #1 after miscarriage. Over the next few days the bleeding got heavier and Nov 13, 2021 · Active discussions Notifications Private messages Apr 1, 2021 · Hi everyone. Oct 18, 2014 · hi i had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago at 7 weeks, the baby was planned and iv started trying again. That was in April. I’m 40 and had never managed to conceive before this year. It's so hard working our fertile days after a miscarriage that's what I'm confused about now. I then got pregnant again to my great surprise a couple of months later in July just after I turned 42. I had a miscarriage in July and the hcg remains high for a while this makes ovulation tests positive. I fell pregnant straight after a miscarriage. I took a pregnancy test after one w Mar 19, 2021 · Hi, I lost twin girls in November at 21 weeks I already have a daughter who is 8 who is also devastated about the loss of our girls I feel like I’m un Sep 4, 2023 · I had a miscarriage on 21st February at 8 weeks. I began spotting brown discharge on Monday 26th April at 6+1 from LMP. 5 weeks so still early days. I had the same thing last month too, 2 positive tests and then AF came a few days late. I think I've been around since about thread 5. I was supposed to have my 12 week scan on Monday but I miscarried a week before. It has been over 6 months and nothing. I'm now coming up to 13 weeks and my 12 week scan went fine so we've started talking more about the pregnancy and the possibility of having a baby but I'm still not comfortable with letting too much excitement creep in. How you feel is normal, and will change with time and as your hormones settle. I started testing cycle day 10. It would only flow May 25, 2021 · Hi everyone, I had a blighted ovum miscarriage last December. I am currently cycle day 17, I used the clear blue digital ovulation test this month. Long story short: Unplanned pregnancy last July, DH and I suprised but delighted (as I May 13, 2021 · Hi all, I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. This wasn't pleasant, as I was awake, but my stubborn personality who wants some control of my body wouldn't have it any other way. I had a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks in May this year. So my first period came nearly 5 weeks from the day that my miscarriage bleeding was in full swing. I too had a miscarriage at 8. It was my first ever pregnancy and at 41 years old. It's very unlikely for it to happen a second time, back to Feb 17, 2021 · I unfortunately had a miscarriage last week around 6 weeks 💔 I've been seen by my local epu a couple of times last week for blood tests to monitor my Oct 24, 2023 · But wanted to reply as I am now ttc after a missed miscarriage with my third baby at 10 weeks found at my 12 wk scan. I've had RMC tests and am just waiting on the results of that but hoping to be able to TTC again from my next period, which should come any day now. I got pregnant in November and it resulted in a chemical 2 days after I had taken a t May 8, 2021 · Here we are again thread 19. Once we got past 12 week scan and that was OK I felt better and have been able to enjoy (for most part!) this pregnancy. We started TTC 3 months later when I got the go ahead and I got pregnant that month. Wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation. 2 months ago I experienced a really traumatic threated ectopic, had a laparoscopy and it turned out to be a Apr 10, 2024 · TTC after miscarriage. . Sarahsammy · 17/11/2021 12:20. My cycles were very wonky but settled after 3 months and was pregnant after 4. Jul 22, 2021 · Hi all. Has anyone had an MVA/ERPC and Nov 17, 2021 · Pregnant again after 3 miscarriages. I’m May 17, 2020 · I had an MVA 3 days ago and the bleeding seems to have already stopped (although I understand it may come and go). Feb 21, 2020 · @TerribleImagination thanks for starting this, think I'm going to need you all lovlies this month. Dec 12, 2011 · comberbird · 02/03/2012 12:48. I fell pregnant for the first time after trying for 2 years, 2 months in August last year. 5 years (and lots of expensive fertility medication) to conceive, because of PCOS. Agree with other posters that I had really strong "need" to be pregnant asap after mmc and when I wasn't after the first cycle I found that incredibly tough and emotional. (I have two children already). I’m currently waiting on my second period after miscarriage and struggling to work out why it’s not here. We had our 12 week scan yesterday, and after I had had normal pregnancy symptoms throughout, were devastated to be told the baby had stopped developing at 7-8 weeks and had no heartbeat. ,Don't try before then as it can be confusing and cause more upset. I'm at home now, waiting for the miscarriage to complete. I’m looking for advice from people who have conceived Jan 3, 2021 · Hi Ladies I’m super new around here so was hoping there would be more experienced people to help me out. I'm just wondering i Jan 16, 2021 · On to thread 5 Ladies! **@Annny27** **@Nuggetlover27** *@27DONFIN* **@Babyghirl** Please tag anyone I’ve missed from the old thread. hello TTC after MC ladies. I'm 15 weeks all going well so far. I started my first period since on Nov 11, 2023 · Our journey: April 2020 - Pregnant after 5 months of trying, ended in ectopic pregnancy but was treated with methotrexate so both tubes are intact. Jan 8, 2013 · bonzo77 · 08/01/2013 08:52. 5 weeks ago. Mar 22, 2024 · Hi everyone - It took me 1. I had an mc last year at 37, following my first round of ivf. hp pf zw ne go kv ee hf cf vi